ジョン・メイヤーのインスタグラム(johnmayer) - 11月3日 10時31分

Here’s the beauty of Bill Evans (@billevansestate.) You don’t have to know each and every composition of his to appreciate his body of work, just as you don’t have to know how many leaves are on each tree, or when exactly a wave is going to break on a shore to find splendor in the scenery. His uptempo compositions are genius for all their left-brain harmonic invention, but the ballads are where he really connects with me; they’re tapped firmly into a buttoned up sadness, something that always feels spiritually autumnal. I listen to him almost daily, and I always get something out of it. Also, if you’re wondering why I’m writing this in an Instagram caption, it’s because things have changed so radically in media that there’s no place else to discuss it. Dig yourself some Bill Evans!

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