#MeToo I was 11. He was twenty-something. I don’t remember his name, but I still remember where he touched me. _ I was 12. He was my music teacher and he let his hand roll down my breasts as he passed the instrument over to me during my weekly lesson. He was in his 30s. I said nothing bc I thought it was “cool” that my teacher liked me. He was married and three times my age with kids of his own. Sick. _ I’ve lost track of all the guys in middle school and high school who came over as friends or study partners and then said their hands had a mind of their own. One sat next to me on an 8 hour bus trip for an academic event and let his hands wander all over my body because he just couldn’t help it. I was too scared of making a scene to say anything. _ Then, in my 20s there was the boyfriend that brought me to a friend’s house and offered me up like a prize to share. What’s sick is that I didn’t dump him right away. _ Oh, and let’s not forget the yoga teacher who cornered me after class and told me only he could open my chakras. He physically restrained me when I tried to walk away. When I finally got home I felt dirty and scrubbed my body in the bath for hours but couldn’t get the residue off for days. Still makes me sick when I think about it. _ And there’s the endless stream of male genitalia that arrives via DMs every day along with eggplants and splashes. Guys, here’s a tip: never under any circumstances send an unsolicited photo or video of your private parts to another person. Even if it’s asked for, I’d really recommend thinking twice before sending it. _ And this only scratches the surface of it all. _ Yet, there is always someone that says that I deserve it for wearing a bikini or make-up or putting my leg behind my head and calls me a slut and a whore who wanted it. Really. This has to stop. _ I believe in a future of equality and I am willing to work for it every day. I am strong enough to do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes. I believe. And I will never give up. _ Share your story. End the shame. Raise awareness. Rise up from the ashes and never stop shining. _ Comment with #MeToo below.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月16日 23時08分

I was 11. He was twenty-something. I don’t remember his name, but I still remember where he touched me.
I was 12. He was my music teacher and he let his hand roll down my breasts as he passed the instrument over to me during my weekly lesson. He was in his 30s. I said nothing bc I thought it was “cool” that my teacher liked me. He was married and three times my age with kids of his own. Sick.
I’ve lost track of all the guys in middle school and high school who came over as friends or study partners and then said their hands had a mind of their own. One sat next to me on an 8 hour bus trip for an academic event and let his hands wander all over my body because he just couldn’t help it. I was too scared of making a scene to say anything.
Then, in my 20s there was the boyfriend that brought me to a friend’s house and offered me up like a prize to share. What’s sick is that I didn’t dump him right away.
Oh, and let’s not forget the yoga teacher who cornered me after class and told me only he could open my chakras. He physically restrained me when I tried to walk away. When I finally got home I felt dirty and scrubbed my body in the bath for hours but couldn’t get the residue off for days. Still makes me sick when I think about it.
And there’s the endless stream of male genitalia that arrives via DMs every day along with eggplants and splashes. Guys, here’s a tip: never under any circumstances send an unsolicited photo or video of your private parts to another person. Even if it’s asked for, I’d really recommend thinking twice before sending it.
And this only scratches the surface of it all.
Yet, there is always someone that says that I deserve it for wearing a bikini or make-up or putting my leg behind my head and calls me a slut and a whore who wanted it. Really. This has to stop.
I believe in a future of equality and I am willing to work for it every day. I am strong enough to do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes. I believe. And I will never give up.
Share your story. End the shame. Raise awareness. Rise up from the ashes and never stop shining.
Comment with #MeToo below.


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