There are signs all around you all the time. The truth is always the truth. It’s not fake or unreal. It’s just there, unchanging, pure, simple, clear, waiting for you to see it. Sometimes when I look back on the mistakes that I’ve made they mostly have to do with not being willing to see the truth about something or someone. It’s like I want so badly to speak to the potential of someone’s greatness that I turn a blind eye to their reality. This boundless optimism can have its benefits. For example, I usually think everyone is awesome and bc I think that sometimes even people who aren’t really all that nice treat me really nicely. I like to think that if you expect the world to be a kind and happy place it will be. And truthfully it generally is. But, this is what I’ve learned from a few painful lessons over the years: 1. Just because someone isn’t throwing a drama bomb at you directly doesn’t mean that one day they won’t throw said drama bomb at you if they carry it around in their back pocket like a secret weapon. 2. How you treat one person is how you ultimately treat everyone. If someone is always getting into fights and yelling at people it is most likely that sooner or later they will get into a fight and yell at you. You have to choose whether you want to support their behavior or subject yourself to it. 3. Call it out immediately. Don’t stand for a moment when something crosses a line. Don’t make excuses for people that they don’t have for themselves. If someone is bullying you, you’ve got to stand your ground, no matter how uncomfortable it feels. 4. Potential is one thing. Reality is another. While on a spiritual level I have infinite patience for everyone to learn what they need to learn and I believe everyone will one day wake up to the highest truth, I don’t personally have the time, energy, or patience to baby-sit anyone while they grow. How people act is a good indicator of how they are. 5. Raise your vibration. If you notice that certain people always complain and see problems they might be operating at a lower vibration than you want to. See things from the perspective of how to lift yourself and others up. Seek up ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月14日 06時18分

There are signs all around you all the time. The truth is always the truth. It’s not fake or unreal. It’s just there, unchanging, pure, simple, clear, waiting for you to see it. Sometimes when I look back on the mistakes that I’ve made they mostly have to do with not being willing to see the truth about something or someone. It’s like I want so badly to speak to the potential of someone’s greatness that I turn a blind eye to their reality. This boundless optimism can have its benefits. For example, I usually think everyone is awesome and bc I think that sometimes even people who aren’t really all that nice treat me really nicely. I like to think that if you expect the world to be a kind and happy place it will be. And truthfully it generally is. But, this is what I’ve learned from a few painful lessons over the years:
1. Just because someone isn’t throwing a drama bomb at you directly doesn’t mean that one day they won’t throw said drama bomb at you if they carry it around in their back pocket like a secret weapon.
2. How you treat one person is how you ultimately treat everyone. If someone is always getting into fights and yelling at people it is most likely that sooner or later they will get into a fight and yell at you. You have to choose whether you want to support their behavior or subject yourself to it.
3. Call it out immediately. Don’t stand for a moment when something crosses a line. Don’t make excuses for people that they don’t have for themselves. If someone is bullying you, you’ve got to stand your ground, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.
4. Potential is one thing. Reality is another. While on a spiritual level I have infinite patience for everyone to learn what they need to learn and I believe everyone will one day wake up to the highest truth, I don’t personally have the time, energy, or patience to baby-sit anyone while they grow. How people act is a good indicator of how they are.
5. Raise your vibration. If you notice that certain people always complain and see problems they might be operating at a lower vibration than you want to. See things from the perspective of how to lift yourself and others up. Seek up ?


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