TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月11日 07時30分

Catalonia's leader Carles Puigdemont said in televised remarks on Oct. 10, 2017, that the region has won the right to independence—following a highly disputed Oct. 1 referendum—but stopped short of making a declaration in order to pursue a dialogue with Spain. Near the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona, close to Parliament, @santipalacios photographed a crowd that gathered to watch the speech on large screens. "We propose to suspend the effect of the independence declaration," Puigdemont told lawmakers on Tuesday, leaving the door open for negotiation with Spain's national government. "In order to work towards putting into practice the result of the referendum... today, we are making a gesture of responsibility in favor of dialogue." Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has rejected negotiations with Catalan separatists until secession plans are definitively scrapped. Photograph by Santi Palacios (@santipalacios) for TIME


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