コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 9月17日 13時25分

@bellarobb I can't believe you're 15! From the moment you were born I've watched you in wonder!! You're one of a kind! Hilarious and thoughtful, strong and kind. And how did you get so wise?? You were born with a confidence that has always been so much fun to see. You knew exactly where you were going from the moment you could walk and were talking to the people at the drive thru window as soon as you could talk. I love how you have friends of all ages and make people feel so loved. I see you encouraging others and spending time growing your own heart, and I couldn't be a more proud mom. Enjoy 15! Run after God. Keep your confidence in Him. He's got you! Happy Birthday baby girl! You'll always be my baby ?


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