コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 9月16日 02時34分

I found @legitsadierob and @dancingabc biggest fans ?These ladies were so cute!! I met them yesterday while speaking in Virginia. They've played bridge together right at this table at 11:00 every Thursday for years. Wouldn't you love to hear their life stories? All the twists and turns, the ups and downs that brought them here. When I was a young mom I read the quote, "A woman can do anything she wants in life, just not all at once." It helped me so much to realize I don't have to accomplish all my hopes dreams today. Some will be just fine waiting till tomorrow while I enjoy the moment where I am right now. There will be time to do other things later, and if there isn't? If I die before I get there then I'd rather my time was spent enjoying each moment then trying to keep way too many balls in the air. Hearing the stories of older women always reminds me that my story isn't over and neither is yours. Who knows what God has in store! Just a little thought for the day ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




