ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月17日 06時40分

“The New York City subway is this great equalizer,” said @photodre, who spent 4 years taking photos on the subway. “For this brief moment in time, we’re all in it together.” For many New Yorkers, their subway line is a second home — whether they like it or not. They see their neighbors on the same route; they know which car to get into to be closest to their exit; and they have their favorite spot to post up. @photodre, whose debut book, “Here for the Ride,” will be published this week, likes to stand in front of the doors. “I can see everything in the car that way,” he said. He was interested in capturing acts of kindness in the confined spaces underground. “I wanted to witness those acts of humanity happening in this very public space,” he said. But this little girl jumped out at him for another reason: “Kids love subway windows,” he said. “They don’t care who’s next to a window, they will climb on strangers to look out the window. She probably is on the subway line every single day, but it just doesn’t get old.” Swipe left to see more of his photos — of moments both tender and mundane — and visit the link in our profile to read more.


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