アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 9月3日 02時10分

I promised that I would post as I found reputable places to help and give! Well this man is like a brother to me. He and his wife (@daddydevotionals and @thtsorae) are people of integrity and really have a heart after God's own heart! I am committing to give and I want you to give too. In fact, I want you to tag someone and challenge them to give with you. After the storm, and when everyone has forgotten (let's be honest, life happens and we forget) they are committing to help people rebuild and we can help by giving them the funds to do so. Let show people that America isn't as divided as it may appear that we are. They are depending on the kindness of strangers, but let's give like they are our own family. I am putting the link in my bio! Prayers are welcome but money is needed ?? use the hashtag #beyondtheflood and repost!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




