ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 7月16日 15時07分

When I was growing up, I always had friends call me "the mum" or say things like "why do you do everything for everyone, stuff them, let them do it themselves". As unbelievable as it may sound... I want to do EVERYTHING for my family, for my friends for anyone in my life. I want to help them with anything I can. If someone needs help, I'll be there.
I mean, why not? Is that a bad thing?
It's how I've been brought up and I never really understood it until I sat down with my family and they explained it's "just how we are". "We like to help people". My Papou always says "always help people and don't expect anything in return". I help people everyday with the most random things in the world. The other day I carried a mans suitcase through the airport with his family because they had one too many and I could see them struggling. He looked at me like I was an alien when I said "I'll carry it" ... I had to say "go, I'll carry this one, walk...and I'll walk with you". The man thanked me after and I went on with my day. Point is, you don't NEED something for something... just do nice things for people, be a good person and good people will come to you!! www.kaylaitsines.com/app


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