アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 7月8日 06時55分

Excited to see Spiderman Homecoming? Forget about IMAX 3D, imagine watching it with 8 eyes. The wolf spider seen here---Hogna carolinensis---has two on the top of its head, two in the middle, and four in the lower front as a sort of eye-mustache. In spiders, the primary eyes are generally the largest of the four pairs and are used to detect motion direct present directly in front of the spider. These eyes are capable of actually forming images. The other pairs, called secondary eyes, can detect light reflected from a tissue layer called a tapetum lucidum, and reflected torchlight can be visible to a human observer. So next time you go camping, don’t assume those glowing spots just beyond the campfire are a cute baby deer... (Photo: Thomas Sahan) #spiders #spider #spiderman #spidermanhomecoming #amnh #naturalhistory #hogna


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