Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 7月4日 07時14分

HEADS UP! You can't gain muscle simply through drinking protein shakes.🥛🚫 Protein synthesis requires you to synthesize new muscle cells. This means making more mass, so inevitably you will gain weight. The proportion of muscle to fat will vary depending on your strictness to a dieting protocol alongside your training intensity and duration of your growing phase. But no matter what speed and protocol you choose,
You NEED to supply your body with a surplus energy that is readily metabolized in the body such as glucose (i.e. CARBOHYDRATES) to make more tissue. You can't be on a maintenance or a caloric deficit and be anabolic
Unless you have ridiculous genetics or are on some type of exogenous substance that offers anabolic properties (like HGH or steroids), you can't expect rapid lean body mass if you're giving yourself a few months.
This is a traditional "bulking" mentality that is quite outdated — and those who swear on this method being the reason for their abrupt lean gains and "rapid size" are probably taking something else behind the scenes.

This is a general equation for gaining muscle mass. Combine realism with patience, TIME, and persistence, and you will be in good hands. 💜
I'm doing a live Q&A on Instagram today: comment below the BEST times that work for you guys! 💜 #FightForGrowth

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