Canon Asiaのインスタグラム(canonasia) - 6月26日 19時08分

"The awnings are pulled back only as far as necessary; the baskets of fruits and vegetables are shifted around just enough so as to avoid the metal wheels; and visitors and vendors stand daringly close to the moving locomotive, with little space to spare. The market reconfigures itself to accommodate the trains that roll seamlessly through. Once the train passes, the vendors immediately and quite nonchalantly, go back to normal. When there are no trains, the locals play on the tracks as if it were a normal street." Image captured by Amirul Hakim, @myrulee on Instagram. Shot on the EOS 6D with the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM at 70mm, ISO 640, f/2.8, 1/640.


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