Canon Asiaのインスタグラム(canonasia) - 6月20日 19時13分

“The Tiger’s Nest (Paro Taktsang) at Paro, Bhutan, is a monastery situated at the side of a cliff. It started off with a cave and a monk – Guru Rinpoche, who was the monk who introduced Buddhism to Bhutan around 1,300 years ago. Legend has it that he first appeared on the back of a flying tigress, sought shelter in the caves and meditated there for 3 years before setting out to spread Buddhism in Bhutan. To commemorate him, the monastery was built and after generations of development, this place was eventually transformed into the magnificent icon that we know today.” Image captured by Alvin Ng, @alvinnzh on Instagram. Shot on the EOS 7D Mark II at ISO 400, f/8, 1/320.


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