ガブリエル・ユニオンのインスタグラム(gabunion) - 6月1日 02時52分

My #WCW is @ハル・ベリー. Before we had ever met she got wind I was having a rough time on set and sent a message through a mutual friend reminding me of my worth and to never be afraid to speak up for myself. She was invested in a young woman she had never even met. That's the type of woman Halle Berry is. She is more than the only black woman to ever win a best actress oscar, she is a fierce advocate for women and children & a loving mother. I will never forget her kindness when I needed it most and the hugs that followed when we finally met in person. Her upcoming projects include Kidnap and The Kingsmen: The Golden Circle❤???


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




