デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 5月19日 06時19分

I ordered my male romper today. It's pretty much me giving up on fashion forever. I consider myself a fashionista but I spend far too much time matching the drapes with the curtains if you know what I'm sayin'. Plus when you wear a mock denim male romper you're making a statement that states, "NOTHING ON EARTH YOU SAY TO OR ABOUT ME COULD OFFEND ME BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO WEAR THIS."
This cozy male romper is the equivalent of how Eminem put himself on blast at the end of 8 Mile to prove to everyone he could own his own shitty deplorable life. This male romper says, "I give up... but with a win in the win column because I'm comfortable with the fact I've given wayyyy the fuck up."
When I don my male romper with buttons I'm also going to only face right like this a model is doing. If I walk into a fruit selling person by mistake so be it! It's me being the worst best version of myself succeeding in failing.
Please comment and like this if you love 2nd place. Also share it with a male companion that you would love to see rock a male romper like I am about to. God speed and I hope you have a great something today.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



