デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 5月14日 09時48分

I had to put a quick recap of this past week with this song because my friends are the best.
1st - @itskelsitaylor so talented & a heart of gold. 2nd - Sunday night gamenight put me in the greatest mood for a wonderful week. American Gods got a pick up & more was coming. 3rd - That quote. #reallife 4th - @chefcarolshiu I adore you. 5th - @タイラー・シールズ gallery evening with everyone was kinda magical. We all looked presentable. :)
6th - @richard_pollman my brother & my greatest ally. I love you man. You are the reason I'm where I'm at today. Speaking of that can we talk later. Ha. 7th - Hearing Tyler talk about his story & passion was truly amazing. Kudos my friend. 8th - these two + Peanut stole my heart. The hugs are legendary. 9th - remember this. I park wherever I want. That's called success.
Many other moments I can't mention here or don't have time to. All I know is if you told me a month ago what was about to happen and who would be in and out I would have laughed. I'm not laughing now. I'm seriously blown away by my friends and my life.

And please everyone send my sister bday shout outs!! @_courtneycook_ !!! Love you little sister.


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