デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 5月13日 01時57分

I have to say @タイラー・シールズ event last night was absolutely a smash success. Very proud of this guy as an artist and as a friend. I also have to say everyone looked amazing last night.
The gals were dressed to the nines and lookin' like tens. The fellas.. well we clean up well. A suit can make you feel like you're Bruce Wayne.
The night was truly inspiring and the photography on display was breath taking & started many a conversation.
After myself @カイル・ニューマン @b_burk @richard_pollman @chefcarolshiu & @itskelsitaylor hit Maestros for steaks. It has been a majorly cool week that ended last night on the highest note with people I love.
Friday is gamenight. Gotta go stock my fridge.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



