アライ・マキのインスタグラム(allymaki) - 5月11日 06時38分

That's a wrap for half the cast on Season 2 of Wrecked. This has been hands down the best experience of my life. Although this shoot basically almost killed us in every way possible (lol) we've all grown even closer because of it. These people are seriously family to me. Fiji and the people here have taught me how to slow down a bit and enjoy life. To bula AND vanaka. To the crew: the HOTTEST, most kickass can work 15 hour days and then party till 5 AM Australian/New Zealand surf crew EVER to exist you guys rock and I'm walking away with so many new friends across the world. To my TBS buds thank you for being the BEST goddamn network to work for ever!!!! And we would be nothing without our fearless leaders @jtshipley @justincshipley I can't even explain how absolutely wonderful these guys are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything and for (literally) putting 24/7 into making this thing great. You guys are freakin' geniuses and I love you! To 60+ more years doin this thang!#wrecked #season2 #june20 @wreckedtbs


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