Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)のインスタグラム(sakuraofamerica) - 5月5日 01時28分

Howdy y’all! I’ve been talking all week about @Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)’s #PigmaMicron pens but need to share a little more detail on their even finer weight - .005. I use this pen at the end of my sketches to fill in all the little light detail that needs to be there but needs to be subtle so it doesn’t overpower the drawing. On this house, I used the .005 pen for the wood shingle siding and diagonal strokes on the windows to give them more life and the illusion that they reflect light.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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