エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 4月4日 04時32分

Happy Monday! 🤗 as you're planning the week ahead, don't forget to make time for yourself! When your schedule gets crazy it's easy to get run down, but it's important to make sure you're taking care of yourself so that you can stay focused and be your best. 😇 @1stphorm BCAAs give me a boost of energy during the day and help my body get all my stress out in the gym, then also assist with recovery. (I like the apple juice flavour 😛🍎) #1stphorm #bcaa #mondaymotivation #selfcare


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
