Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)のインスタグラム(sakuraofamerica) - 1月6日 01時56分

A side, ongoing project of mine, is to paint on leaves. I usually choose Magnolia leaves because they hold up the best, as they are super thick, and leathery, and they dry out very solid. I don't press them, I just let them dry naturally, and display them in a bowl, or give them away as gifts. Since I really don't know how long they will last, I don't sell them. The two you see here are made with @Sakura of America(サクラクレパス) gelly roll pens, and a #PigmaMicron. The green leaf is new, and should stay green as it dries, and the other was brown when I found it. I made the brown one a while ago, and as you can see, it's holding up nicely! You can see more of my leaves if you scroll through my feed @sdionbakerdesign


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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