Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 12月31日 03時49分

I looked up everywhere. Old instagram posts, facebook and blog posts. No sign of any #NewYearsResolution from last year. 2016 has been a strange year, I can't define either bad nor good, a lot has happened when I look back at it, yet it feels like THE thing that could've happened, did not.
Anyway, no point in looking for inexistent resolutions . In the meantime I am baking a chestnut flour cake with orange, cocoa powder and water, let's see how it turns out. Well, I can resolve in taking more pretty pictures of my breakfast. I do have a word for my 2017 though. It's "impegno" in Italian, commitment, devotion in English. I resolve to commit to do the things I want to do, and to achieve the things I want to be. Sounds like a far cry, but it's a start.
What your plan for the new year, and what are you cooking for #NewYearsEve? ✨
#LabNoon #LabNoonFood


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