クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 12月18日 06時43分

"When the Surf was high, the sounds of the sea was one continuos roar, heavy, deep, dark, sombre, with all kinds of variation, and at its height you felt it also came from the very earth beneath your feet. Composers would have called this the opera of the sea, poets would have called it the expression of the bleeding dawn sky, and priests the voice of god in nature. " - Þórbergur Þórðarson (Icelandic poet)
4 years ago I shared this exact photo.. with this exact quote, if you scrolled back far enough... you would find it. To this day no line of text has ever come closer to expressing my deep love for the Ocean than this. Rarely I quote people... but I felt that if more people heard this, the Earth might be grateful.

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