ブリー・ラーソンのインスタグラム(brielarson) - 11月24日 11時21分

To my chosen brother who definitely saw my talent before I did - the guy who sat next to me in the smallest coach seats listening to my life troubles and making me laugh. Remember in Switzerland when we were stranded after a screening and you asked a random guy how to get a taxi but instead he bought us beers and we just got to know him? Remember Disneyland??! You are a lover and protector of this world! Can't believe how far we've come. I don't mean that as an expression...I really can't believe it. You're married now to the coolest girl in the world. I'm engaged! We just made another movie together. It was a real fancy one!! And now I'm directing a movie with your movie family. It's all just too good. Love you Destin. Happy Birthday. You are real magic. Can't wait to live more life knowing you and Nik. ❤️????


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