クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 9月11日 22時30分

This was such a beautiful place. Visit #Bali for some of the most amazing spas and shopping. There were Fantastic Australian fashions which are on a whole other level- can't wait to show yall this one piece I got. Then as far as spirituality and spiritual healing- Bali is your place. I didn't get to visit the Shaman like I wanted to because of time restraints and the village was a couple hours away- but next time I go- that's a priority. Chakra cleansing and healing is a must! And the villa- we stayed in was such a beautiful place I'm inspired to buy a place there. And on top of everything else- I made a lil feline friend who slept outside my window all night meowing and waiting for me to come out. So cute! I was so tempted to kidnap her and take her back to the states! Great trip and perfect timing. I feel awesome now! ??? #TeamNatural


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