サブリナ・クラウディオのインスタグラム(sabrinaclaudio) - 9月6日 03時36分

My beautiful tito. The light of my world, the core of our family. Last night was a hard night. These past couple months were tough for you and for us...i'm sorry. I have been able to live a beautiful life because of you. You were everything...one of the biggest reasons why i am where i am today and why I am who i am today. I will not forget to continue living. 66 years filled with love, you did everything for us, for mom and pop, for jeramey and I, for tita, for all of us. I hope we make you proud, you sure as hell made us proud...we were blessed and will forever be grateful. I will live for you, I will take care of everyone. My heart is heavy but my mind is at ease knowing that you are no longer suffering. Watch over us ? rest calmly now. I hope to feel you again one day very soon. Te quiero mucho tito


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