Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 8月29日 05時18分

Missing this. It's over. Turned into a dream. Back home, where I've chilled, did countless laundry and took some time to consider a restyling of #LabNoon's logo. It'll be a lot of work and it should take its time, but I think pure graphic design --which still feels like the only real "work" to me-- was necessary to reconnect me the brand, concept, blog that I created pixel for pixel and word for word. This magical place seem to have restored some of my long gone energy, so as September, the 'new' year arrives, my intention is to be more focused on what I like, and what makes happy. My blog, my photography and healthy, light food do.
Have a great #monday folks. ??✨?


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