ケイ・パナベイカーのインスタグラム(kaypanabaker) - 7月20日 11時04分

I never knew #PhilRoyal never even met him. But my friend did and her whole family worked with him and supported him. He passed away suddenly at the age of 47 and it sent ripples throughout their community. It affected my friend's youngest son particularly. So he and his mom made a list of #47RoyalDeeds to thank and support their community. From leaving a dollar at vending machines to taking cookies to local police and fire departments, this 11 year old has found inspiration and motivation from this major event in his life. He may not understand it today, but getting to be a part of his good deeds today was what my soul needed. The world has become a dark place right now and to see a maturing young man do what he can to bring light to his part of the world is incredible. So when I go home this week, I'm going to carry on his #47RoyalDeeds even if it's as simple as leaving a dollar at a vending machine or thanking a veteran for their service. You never know with what someone else may be struggling.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




