チェルシー・ハンドラーのインスタグラム(chelseahandler) - 3月17日 00時04分

Here's the announcement for my new show on Netflix.

Dear You,
This is your new show schedule, so if you're thinking about having a baby-- DON'T. Your new show will be on every WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, & FRIDAY on NETFLIX.
30 minutes / 3x a week / NO COMMERCIALS. -I know it's hard for you, but waking up is a great way to start the day. - You'll be traveling around the world and learning new things, all courtesy of NETFLIX. Treat this as an opportunity to get the college education you forgot to get. - Sign up for Netflix. - When interviewing respected public figures, ask yourself "What would Byron Allen do?" Then, do the opposite. - Once an episode is up and streaming on Netflix, it will be available until the end of time, so put a little more thought into what you say this time around. - Never give up on your dream guest list. 3. Michelle Obama 2. The Pope 1. Arnold Schwarzaneggar's maid. - You'll be streaming in 190 countries, so remember to keep a deeper, more culturally sensitive perspective. Especially towards the Germans, they're still touchy about everything they did. - You wanted a new show, you got it. You wanted to be on Netflix, you are. You wanted to spread your wings, now FLY BITCH.

P.S. It's an election year. Good timing, girl.


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