ローレン・プラットのインスタグラム(laurplatt) - 3月8日 20時24分

There are so many things that I've learnt over the years about my parents..I've learnt that my mum likes to call everyone from the kitchen every 15 minutes until one of us answers to tell her that we all have our earphones in...I've learnt that me and my dad are so similar that it scares most people that meet us (especially when we have a game of 'who can shout the loudest'?)...I've learnt that they will always take each others side when me and Lewis argue with them so I'm done trying to get either of them to agree with me? and I've learnt that if you want to survive with my parents you have to understand that everyday is going to be different/crazy/adventurous and most importantly SPECIAL! But the biggest thing I've learnt about my parents in my 18 years of knowing them is that 16 years ago today they made the best decision of their lives..and that was to get married! Because I honestly don't believe they suit anyone else better than each other! As a couple, they've probably had more ups and downs than most, but they pushed through every single barrier and tore down every single obstacle to get this family to where we are today...and the best part is...(separated or not) they did it all together in one way or another!
So here's to you BASH✌?️ you really are one of a kind and I wouldn't have you both any other way...Happy Anniversary??❤️


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