ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 1月31日 11時52分

#noexcuses I haven't been able to put the baby down today, my hubby is working out of town so I have no adult help. My baby hadn't taken a nap for more than 15 min lol every time I put him down he cries. I get it though he needs me and his needs are priority. I was able to jog for 10 minutes then he started crying so I put him in the @ergobaby carrier pushed my incline up to 10-12 started walking at a 2.8 as to not move his little head too much. Also I hold him while I walk to brace him more because even though it's not necessary. Yes!! I'm getting my 30 min done, no stopping me. He fell asleep within the first 5 minutes. ? I am sweaty so notice I put a receiving blanket between us especially his face. #determination #postpartumbody #transformation #fitmom #Fitness #byobaby #ergobaby


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