キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月21日 13時46分

Day 21 #BeginnerYoga2015
@mantraband @beachyogagirl @キノ・マクレガ― is Padangusthasana, Deep Forward Fold. You can't force your body into flexibility. You can only calm your nervous system, be patient and wait for the root of the knot to untie. You can't rush the body's time. We all come to the practice with different levels of natural flexibility. There are students who can do a deep forward bend from the first day and others who will struggle with that for years. Don't judge your progress by how deep you go physically, but by how much peace you have in your heart. ? .
Beginners take it day by day, bend the knees and modify if you need. Go to www.yogachallenge.com (link in bio). You will find complete beginner instructions and practice guide there. One dollar for every course sold goes to @warriorsforhealing Or you can also check @new2yoga or my YouTube channel for lots of tutorials ?
Did you catch my strength drills this morning on Periscope? ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Video by @ifilmyoga ? .


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