キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 11月24日 23時35分

#YogiAssignment ?
There is a reason why so many of us have a hesitancy to use the word "God" to describe the sense of the sacred in our lives. Linguistic form is always linked to culture, history, context. There are no words that can rightfully describe that which supersedes and precedes all language. All names are shorthand, sign posts. You're right when you feel that there is no name that can ever contain, express or fully communicate the grandness, purity, love, power and peace of God. According to traditional yoga philosophy only the holy sound OM comes remotely close. Yoga Sutra 1:27 says Tasya Vacakah Pranavah, OM is the sacred symbol for God, the truest name of God that we have. This week's #YogiAssignment is OM. Think back to your first yoga class and remember the vibration of OM that touched your heart beyond thoughts and concepts. OM is the vibration of stillness that rings out from silence, the sound that echoes to the depths of the universe. The purity of its vibration can bring you into an experience of divine greatness. Your mind stills. Your heart opens. Your spirit sings. And the resonance opens a channel in to the direct experience of God. ?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Tune in on Periscope for my practice in a few minutes ?
Photo by @ifilmyoga ?


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