ジョエル・ヒューストンのインスタグラム(joelhouston) - 11月3日 06時18分

When I moved to NYC the most difficult thing was moving away from my closest friends.. Relationships that are forged over decades are hard to manufacture in a new city.. I knew those relationships wouldn't be going anywhere, but I was... When I got to NYC I simply prayed that God would put people in my life who filled that space in quick time.. Enter this guy: first guy i hung out with in the city, and a part from being completely insane, and sharing a mutual love for art, design, music and perhaps of most importance; waves - Joe was immediately like the life-long brother I'd always had but never met.... No-one lights up a room like this guy.. The kinda guy who will almost kill you and himself doing something ridiculous and an instant later be willing to give his life up for ya without thinking twice... Happy birthday @joetermini - grateful for you bro... The world has no idea just how insanely genius you are... But they will... Don't stop living on the edge, but seriously, step away from the edge! #bruvlove


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