ダニエル・ウッズのインスタグラム(dawoods89) - 10月17日 08時15分

In Joshua tree for a couple days to do a @ザ・ノースフェイス climbing event. The conditions are hot and the wildlife is fully out. Last night I awoke to coyotes howling after the epic rainstorm passed. Today my goal was to rap off and check out @クリス・シャーマ amazing line "Iron Resolution" (8B). I was on my way to the back side of the boulder then heard an intense rattle. I looked down at my feet and stared at a pissed off rattle snake (just looked it up and it is a western rattlesnake). My adrenaline fully kicked in, I got goosebumps and jumped backward onto a rock. The snake slithered into the sticks, then guarded the down climb. I sat there and watched it. My heart rate slowed down then I figured maybe today is not the day to rap off this bloc. Respect to this creature and I am fortunate that it warned me instead of going in for the attack. I did not get a good photo of the snake but captured this little guy instead. Suns out funs out.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




