キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 9月18日 22時45分

Today makes my 3rd year that I've stopped smoking cigarettes.I smoked for 27 years??.I procrastinated before stopping because I thought about gaining the weight.Then when I thought about my kids and that "what if" moment,I prayed on it & I got up the courage to take my butt to my physician to ask for help.I started off with Chantix,a 4 month program.At two months I told God that I wasn't finishing the program and that I would be leaning on him the rest of the way.DONE!?? A desire may come maybe 5 x's in a year.Just as quick as it comes,it goes.#GratefulHeart #eachPregnancyI #StoppedWithNoHesitation #ThenPickedItUpAgain All good I'm here now!???? #YESBLESSED


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