Li Tian の雑貨屋のインスタグラム(dairyandcream) - 8月7日 11時56分

酒種あんぱん ❤️ Any old school bread lovers will know 146-year old Kimuraya, the shop that created the first type of Anpan bread aka the #Sakura An Pan (Salted Cherry Blossom) ? Very different from the mass market bread. Not too cloyingly sweet thanks to the pickled Sakura ??? #regularcustomer
Always love the unique sake aroma as sake lees are used instead of the usual yeast? 酒種=米+麹+水 #musttry
Don't think this place needs any further recommendation haha but still you can read about the history and variety of buns on blog link ?? @Li Tian の雑貨屋

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