Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)のインスタグラム(sakuraofamerica) - 8月4日 04時18分

Hey everyone! I am @abillustrator (Andrew Banks) and I'll be guest posting for @Sakura of America(サクラクレパス) this week! I am a Chicago based artist, illustrator and owner of Andrew Banks Illustration ( I specialize in ink, graphite and watercolor. My background is in architecture so naturally my favorite subjects to illustrate are buildings, architectural/urban landscapes and architectural details. This week I will share work I have created with #pigmamicron pens and give you an insight into my process. This first piece is a sketch I created on location at the Art Institute of Chicago.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Sakura of America(サクラクレパス)を見た方におすすめの有名人
