ノア・サイラスのインスタグラム(noahcyrus) - 6月9日 05時13分

Happy #nationalbestfriendday
Audrey: all tho people think u and I are fat they r all basic. U going away this year will be the HARDEST thing I will ever go through (it might sound dramatic but it's true) you are so special to me and the years I've known u have been the happiest moments in my life.
Stella: even if we are going to get burrits at 10pm we have the best time ever. We have the craziest conversations and laugh for hours. You've changed me for the better. Thank you ? Kaya: where to begin. Let's just say u and I are insane. We do the WEIRDEST stuff and go insane sometime around 1am. We also have the wildest times just by sitting in bed or hanging in the kitchen. I love twerking on the counters with u and just going insane. Needless to say u r a sister to me.
Alexa: thank you so much for sticking with me for years. Going to Nashville with u was the most amazing thing ever and it'll be a trip I'll never forget. Thanks for all the memories and I can't wait to make some new ones. Here is to being friends for years upon years. We may fight but we will always be friends and nothing can tear us apart.

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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