ウィニー・ハーロウのインスタグラム(winnieharlow) - 6月2日 04時05分

I must say, this makes me smile. I think people get confused by my life "message" in the sense that I don't so much stand for anything but being happy. I choose not to change my skin because it makes me Happy! Not for any other reason. Not because people think of me as a role model, or anything else. I don't believe in putting people down for what makes them happy. If that means same sex relationships, being transgendered, or even changing/enhancing yourself (changing vitiligo, scars, extensions, implants, etc). I only stand for living the happiest life possible. It takes time for someone to embrace themselves in such a judgmental world, and while I'm proud of how far I've come on my journey, I'm 20 and still coming into myself. It makes me very happy and is inspiring to see someone come into their own and be proud and happy with who they want to be (not who the world wants them to be!). ❤️ #SpreadLoveNotHate


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