ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 6月1日 06時02分

(First, Wally wants everyone to know that he selected the music.) Wally was using his map paper to finish his collage (see recent video), when he became curious about Ethiopia. Wally has permission to use my laptop for educational purposes, so he googled “Ethiopia.” After he discovered that millions of Ethiopian children have been orphaned by extreme poverty and AIDS, he ran into the closet and hid because he was sad and overwhelmed. He finally emerged, determined to help. “Children with no families?! That’s like Wally without a MOLLY! I need to find a Molly for every child!” Wally began searching for volunteer opportunities and was intrigued by a very special agency: the Selamta Family Project @selamtaproject. He learned that Selamta has a MUCH better way of creating families than by finding thousands of Mollies. “I’m not telling you HOW! You have to follow to find out! BE LIKE WALLY and learn about the Selamta Family Project by following them on INSTAGRAMIES!” (P.S. Even though Wally didn’t know this when he was researching, ? Molly has a friend in MA who’s involved. And I agree with Wally: they are a wonderful organization!) #selamta #selamtaproject #selamtafamilyproject #ethiopia


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