ウォーリーのインスタグラム(wally_and_molly) - 5月27日 21時03分

Wally has a question. (We got hundreds of new followers last night and don't know why! But hello new followers!) "'Scuse me? Hi! It's WALLY! It's me, WALLY! I'm a BUNNY! A BUNNY! A ..." Wally? Did you you have a question? "My creative writing teacher says I need a 'hook.' This is my HOOK!" Oh, I'm sorry. I understand. "I wanted to know, WHERE'D ALL YOU NEW FOLLOWERS COME FROM?! King Wally demands to know!" Wally? Remember we talked about being humble and polite? "My beautiful new followers. How did you hear about this humble and polite bunny Wally? Sincerely and forever at your service, Wally."


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