アンジェラ・ペティのインスタグラム(angie_run800m) - 5月31日 09時14分

Happy with my first race of the international season today in Manchester 3 days after getting off the plane from New Zealand. Came 2nd in 2.01.84, only 0.84 off the world champs qualifier. Well done to Katie Snowden first 2.01.77 and Katy Brown 3rd 2.02.2. Also huge well done to fellow kiwi Katherine Marshall (in this photo) who got a pb in 2.04.4!! Thanks to Emma Leask for pacing so wonderfully! Loved being back out there racing, looking forward to Geneva next weekend!! #bmc #athleticsnz #hpsnz #skynext #adidasrunning #sosrehydrate #track #runnerspace #tracknation #800m #running #thankyouJesus


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