ジェイソン・ポールのインスタグラム(thejasonpaul) - 5月30日 23時42分

This book turned me into a vegetarian.
I love sharing what I read and how it changed my life and this one is different than usual, because it's about the meat we eat and I know it's a topic people have very strong opinions on.
I've been unsure and had a lot of questions in my head about what we eat, if it's good and right and if it matters or not and this book has answered a lot of them. A few weeks back, after being halfway through "eating animals" and after eating meat with joy all my life, I stopped eating animals. I'm still learning about this and honestly I'm not sure if this change is going to last or if there will be exceptions, because I'm still learning about this and myself.
If you feel like you want to learn about this topic, because you are unsure about what to do, or if you feel very sure about your opinion and are not scared to have it challenged I would recommended you look at Jonathan Safran Foer's "Eating Animals"
As always I would love to hear what you guys think and what you're experiences are if you read this book or if you're going to in the future :)
Also if you have any recommendations for literature or websites on vegan and vegetarian diet, please let me know!


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