ライカのインスタグラム(leica_camera) - 5月27日 03時27分

"For me the goal was to test the high ISO capabilities of the new Monochrom. One of my favorite views of a city is at night. Unfortunately shooting from a moving object like a helicopter even at slow speeds requires being able to shoot at a high ISO while having a fast shutter to be able to make a quality photo. When I had the opportunity to shoot with one in Los Angeles, I immediately called up my friend Esteban Jimenez who is a pilot. Luckily I was able to get a flight going under such short notice to see what it could do." - Van Styles (@vanstyles)
See more from his aerial shoot of Los Angeles with the new Monochrom on the #LeicaBlog: http://bit.ly/MonochromLA

#Leica #LeicaCamera #Monochrom #??


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