thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 5月19日 03時29分

Photo of vine snake by @christianziegler.
Please help support our conservation efforts on Coiba!
Coiba island, Latin America’s largest uninhabited island (some 500 square kilometers) off the Pacific coast of Panama is a truly unique place with lots of endemic species of animals and plants. Having been a penal colony for almost 100 years until 10 years ago, it is still covered with lush rainforest that has long gone on the mainland, and surrounded by a rich ocean environment - a time capsule with high conservation value. Together with my colleague @Tim Laman, I am working on celebrational photo essay about Coiba National Park.
You can help by sending tropical biologist @peter_houlihan back to Coiba with @christianziegler! Copy this link into your browser to support our research and exploration of this unique tropical island!
Every dollar makes a difference! Please share with anyone who might be interested in protecting this special place! Thank you​


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