ボリス・コジョーのインスタグラム(boriskodjoe) - 5月5日 08時04分

Yep, this was me up there. After my kids called me out I had to face my fears and jump off a mountain. And even though I was scared, as soon as I got up there I relaxed and let go of my need to control the moment. And when I did, I was able to enjoy the movement of the wind and the amazing view of the mountain and the ocean. Facing my fears lifted me higher than I could have imagined and when I landed I felt empowered like never before.
Face your fears and see how powerful you are.
#MoralMonday #Capetown #BlessedLife #YouGonLearnToday #MyHarnessWasSuperTight #TotallyPinchedMySituation #HurtLikeHell #TookItLikeAman #CriedOnTheInside #HadToLayDown
#WasWorthIt #NotGonDoItAgainThough


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