デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月8日 07時53分

I'm not naming a name but I just messed someone up verbally today. They had it coming after years of shit talking and detestable verbal nonsense they were spewing.
I walk off the elevator to my car in an underground parking structure (what do the pave those with anyways...) and who do I see alone at their car? The Encroacher.
I walk toward the human. They see me and immediately they feel the weight of the situation. It's time to face the truth. "If there is something you want to say you can say it to my face right now."
They say nothing. They look stunned.
"I want you to know people like you have only strengthened my situation. I have to give you credit when I certainly don't want to... so thanks... you're an integral part of my success."
They said, "Sorry I said some of those things I guess I was just angry or jealous."
"I understand. I've been there. I just choose to use it as fuel to propel me and not just light it all on fire and risk burring down everything."
They nodded.
I walked away at this point and never looked back.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



