ヒラリー・スコットのインスタグラム(hillaryscottla) - 3月20日 21時54分

RECIPE! Y'all asked, so I jotted it down. AND my first attempt of spelling the word whisk fell short...so grammar/handwriting police be nice. I've been up since 3am. =) Also, make sure the turkey sausage is cooked AND crumbled, and cook until set...40 minutes in my oven was great, but it may be more or less in yours...it shouldn't be runny at all. You can add veggies(spinach, mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, etc.)in place of meat if you prefer, and I bet sweet potato tots would be amazing too if you are staying away from white starches!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



