デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 3月13日 03時57分

Last night my brother in hats @ジャスティン・ビーバー came down to the Laugh Factory, where I'm working on my next comedy special, to check out the show and prepare himself for his roast.
He's a good hearted sport for doing it. I genuinely like you Justin but you're about to get absolutely slaughtered beyond any known human or subhuman suffering. Like BAD to where viewers are gonna cringe and whisper to themselves, "whyyyyy would he doooo this?"
I've heard some of the comedians working on their routines about you. Justin .. I'm here to help you. Run. Don't do this roast. I'm serious. Take your Beliebers and go find a safe place. You don't wanna do this Justin. Please listen.
They need to wrap that roast stage in crime scene tape because we're going to witness the fight of the century before @フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニア and @EmmanuelPacquiao even touch gloves. #CancelTheJustinBieberRoastHesGonnaGetHurt #ForRealForReal #JustinTimeToStopThis


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